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Saturday, December 1, 2012

How to build backlinks and why they are important

It is important for webmasters and website owners to exchange links with other websites. This helps tell google and other search engines how to rank these websites. This is especially true for new websites or small businesses who do not have a well established name for itself like "Best Buy" or "Starbucks" has. Building links can be compared to the following example. If I were to say "I am a cool guy", this does not give me much accreditation. This is an example of a new website that has little to no backlinks. Now if i have several other people saying "Yeah he is a cool guy" this is giving me more grounds to legitimately say that "I am a cool guy". This is what it looks like to search engines as other websites start linking to your website. Now if i have Denzel Washington and Will Smith saying "Yeah, he is a cool guy" well now I just hit the ball out of the park and Im ranking high with google. This would be compared to having sites like or linking to your website.       As with any SEO campaign, patience is one of the most important factors. It can take several months for search engines to index pages and update your backlink popularity. So how do i get backlinks?? You can do this manually by creating relevant comments on blog sites that allow you to input your websites domain. The key here is to input your keyword as your "Name" and enter your webites url in the URL field. This will give you the credit for the keyword that you use as your "Name". Please post relevant comments, you do not want to come off as spam, plus many webmasters moderate the comments that are submitted. Make sure you are commenting on blogs that are related to your website or business in some fashion. Another was to created backlinks is to write detailed and related articles and submit them to article submission websites. When you create your signature make sure it links back to your website. Article writing is one of the more effective way to create backlinks. Another great way is to contact website owners directly and ask them is they would like to exchange links to eachothers site. There are software out there like  SEO Powersuite that can automate these efforts by sending out emails. Social bookmarking is another great way to increase your amount of backlinks. Using sites such as Digg, Facebook, Twitter, Stumblupon, Redit, and many others are becoming more and more popular. And the last way to create backlinks is to submit your domain URL to website directories. There are many free submission websites but most of them require reciprocal links and are not as effective as paying a small fee for a premier listing or permanent link.  There are marketing websites that offer SEO campaign packages that combine some or all of the tactics that i mentioned above. has many SEO packages to offer to fit any budget. They also offer single orders of directory submissions, article submissions, social bookmarking, DMOZ entry and more. They can save you time allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.  As I mentioned before popularity takes time to build but the sooner you can engage these tactics the better off your website will be as it matures.  If you are interested in exchanging links with our site, please add the html code below to your website. Then please contact our webmaster at mail with the webpage url that you have added our code to. After the reciprocal link has been verified we will ask for your code and add it to this page. You must be a hip hop or music website.  Our code:  Download Beats | Instrumental Downloads | Beats for Hip Hop
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